Dear Friends
The marvellous summer of 2018 has finally come to an end and it’s feeling very autumnal at Palewell Common. It’s a beautiful time of year to be there as the trees change colour.

Thank you to everyone who came to join us at the Halloween event on 3 November- if you judge success by numbers of happy, chocolate bearing children it was very successful! It is always nice to meet new Friends, and makes standing out in chilly conditions very worthwhile!
The next Friends event will be our Conservation Morning on Wednesday 5th December from 10.30 onwards. We will be working with Richmond volunteer organisation TCV to spread woodchippings on the paths in the woods (very important for mud control in the winter months), and will be planting some wetland plants in our new “scrape” wetland area. There is also plenty of other work to be done in the woods, manpower permitting, so please do come if you can and bring your friends! All equipment is provided- you just need to wear warm clothes and appropriate footwear.
Finally, if you know anyone who would like to become a Friend, our online joining form is here– please do pass on this email to anyone interested. Alternatively for anyone who doesn’t want to fill out an online form, they can access a dowloadable version of the form on our website.
We look forward to meeting more of you on 5 December and in the New Year.
Very best wishes